Google’s Mobile First Indexing

Google has lately announced (starting from 1st July 2019) that it is using mobile-first indexing for more than 50% web pages which are being displayed in the search results. Yes, this is truly a significant milestone, which is in favour of all mobile sites over desktop in the search results.

What is Mobile-First Indexing?

To understand the concept better, you need to understand what mobile first indexing means. This means that Google will use mobile version of a content for indexing and for ranking purpose. Previously, indexing was first for the desktop version of the content and based on the relevancy of a page to the query of the users. As most of the users now access Google search with the help of mobile device, Googlebot usually crawls and indexes pages with help of smartphone agent.

Earlier Google explained how search engine operates and the importance of responsive websites. It referred that it would soon shift to using mobile version of website’s content for indexing pages.

The reason behind such a change is quite simple. Today, more and more people are using Google search from their mobile devices and not from desktop. But we all known that ranking system of Google for web, were first built for the desktop. They usually look at the desktop version to determine the relevancy for a user. It does create a lot of problem when the mobile and the desktop site are not in sync.

Before the popularity of responsive web design, many site owners created easy, informative and simpler versions of their website for their mobile users. Such users might have been guided to the specific site through Google Search. However, once they were on the site, they often failed to find what they were searching for since it was only available for the desktop version. In such a situation businesses often lost customers who would never return back to the website.

Why a Responsive Website Makes a Difference?

It is simple as saying that a mobile friendly website looks good on mobile devices. However, it might have glitches and tough to navigate when it is viewed on other devices which are of a higher resolution.

A responsive website design helps a website to adapt to any screen size or as per the device it is being seen. Thus, it means that you might view any website on tablet, phone or desktop – users will not notice any kind of difference in the general appearance of the screen.

Higher from Mobile Users

There was a time when businesses would create two different versions of a single website. One version would be for mobile users and one for desktop users. There are many businesses which do this even today, but this is quite a time-consuming process and requires high maintenance. Responsive website is a great solution as it is totally ready for different devices.

With such responsive web designing, you will be able to retain your mobile viewers. Besides, your viewers will also remember when they have visited your website, if they look for different services you offer.

Low Cost and Also Need for Website Maintenance

When you are using a responsive website, it provides less cost of maintenance when compared to running two different versions in a website. Also, lesser time is involved in setting it up. It is also easy to maintain a responsive website than the amount involved in maintaining two different websites.

When you are using a responsive website design, it offers you additional free time to devote to other activities which need your attention.

Improved User Experience

This is one of the many benefits of using a responsive website design. User experience is enhanced as not having a responsive website might distort the way a website appears on different devices which includes a tablet and a mobile. Though desktop users might not face problems if your website doesn’t have responsive web design, the same might not be said about mobile users.

Responsive Website Helps in Improving SEO

A responsive website helps in ranking better in SERPs. The user will have a focused experience with high-quality content which also increases the dwell time. Thus, users are going to stay in the website for a long time.

Google does recommend responsive website designing for the benefits of businesses helping businesses to rank higher in search engines and getting more conversions. It not only enhances user experience but also helps in improving SEO efforts through different platforms. If any user finds it tough navigating through a website, the user never returns to the website. This means, loss of business for the website which is never desired.

Lastly, a responsive website does help in saving a lot of money. It reduces the maintenance time of website and helps in conversion while retaining more clients. Besides, it’s the way to stay ahead in the competition and be at par with all others.

Is your website ready for mobile viewing? Drop a message to our web design experts to understand how we can help you improve your website mobile experience.